Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good v. Evil (Fred v. Hillary)

Come 2008, we will feel like we are in Gotham City, in a battle of good v. evil.

The two people that are pulling ahead of the pack are Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton. People often claim that, when faced with two candidates, there isn't much of a choice. They say there really isn't a difference. Well, with these two, you couldn't have much more diametrically opposed people.

Fred is a straight shooter and a WYSIWYG kind of person. Hillary is a chameleon, that changes her color (or accent) depending on who is her audience. Pro-life v. pro-abortion. Tough against terrorists v. who knows, she keeps changing her position. Federalism v. Socialism. Conservative v. Liberal. Statesman v. hag (OK, that's my editorial comment- but hey, my blog).

The choice is clear. FRED THOMPSON 2008!

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