Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fred is the whole package

Hi Fellow Fred Heads!

We all feel that Fred is the BEST choice for President for our Country. One of our Fellow Fred Heads passed on this link in which shows why Jeri Thompson is the BEST choice for 1st Lady. Laura Ingraham interview Jeri on the O'Reilly Factor and I think she has what takes.

I also have some additional information for you as you are out there rallying folks for Fred. As I am talking about Fred to people, I often come across people who are trying to decide between Fred and another candidate.

Fred Thompson is the ONLY one who is socially AND fiscally conservative. Fred is the whole package and always has been. He has the National Right to Life endorsement.

The Club for Growth has great summaries of each candidate's record on Economic issues This is a good resource.

Our fellow Fred Head also passed on this great article from the National Review as well. Please pass on this information to all your contacts to get them on board with Fred.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Fred Thompson got the National Right to Life Endorsement on Tuesday!

'nuff said!