Thursday, December 27, 2007

Fred Campaign files in SW Ohio today

Fred Thompson for President Campaign files Petitions with Board of Elections

(Cincinnati, Ohio) At 3:30 p.m. today, representatives from the Fred Thompson for President Campaign will file petitions for the 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts with the Hamilton County Board of Elections. The action was part of a statewide effort begun today by the campaign that will ultimately place Fred Thompson on the Republican primary ballot.

Christa Criddle, a Delegate for Fred Thompson from the First Congressional District said “We are very excited to get Fred on Ohio’s ballot. He is the only viable candidate who is a social and fiscal conservative, and strong on national defense and immigration. These are real and important issues to voters here in Southwest Ohio.” Criddle further explained that “just like in 2004, Southwest Ohio will be a crucial component of Ohio’s vote in next year’s election.” She further iterated that “Fred Thompson is the best candidate to beat Hillary and become the next President of the United States.”

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Phone for Fred

I often get asked how people can help Fred. My immediate response is always that we need to talk him up, get others to be Fred Heads, and have them sign up to get information. We now have another "assignment" from the campaign.

With the early primaries coming up in less than a month, we need to take an active roll in helping those early voters choose Fred.

There is a program at called Phone for Fred. You can host your own phone bank with your friends, family and fellow Fred Heads to call these early voters OR you can just do it yourself on your own time.

If you have a little bit of time over the next week or so, consider this easy way to help get people turned out for Fred with this important effort.