A couple of our own SWOhio FredHeads are heading down to South Carolina to help Fred with his victory there. If any of you are interested, let me know and I will put you in contact with each other.
I wish them well and I will post any updates on how things go.
I encourage all of you to attend your local Republican events and talk up Fred, bring people into the Fred family. Time is ticking and we really need all of you.
Sign up for a phone bank list. Call fellow Republicans in South Carolina and encourage them to vote for Fred.
And by the way, the Fox SC Debate is going on and Fred is kicking some butt!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
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Ron Paul is the best candidate in the race by far. He will end the war on drugs! He recongizes that 9/11 was an inside job. He will bring troops home from all over the world. No more bases! We can open up communications with nations such as Cuba and Iran. I might add that he will legalize drugs. He plans to bring back the gold standard and end the IRS. Not to mention, he will legalize drugs. He is for complete free markets, so the porn markets will be free to expand, and prostitution will be legal! Woohoo! Did I mention he will legalize drugs? In concludion, we want a secure border. Ron Paul will do just that. Finally, he will legalize drugs!
Duncan Hunter should have been permitted to participate in the debate. He would have had a lot to contribute. He currently has the same number of delegates as Guiliani. The media should not be permitted to pick our candidate. All candidates should have a voice. Duncan Hunter fought for this country in Vietnam and for 26 years in Congress, and it was wrong to exlclude him in such a manner.
Faux News -"We report and decide!"
Fred by far was THE best in the debate yesterday. He did a fabulous job of showing people what Huckabee's liberal stance on all things fiscal.
Way to go FRED!
Sound like Anon. 10:08 is really scared that Fred is doing so well.
Lets break this down. National Right to Life gave Fred their endorsement. He always voted pro-life and has even said that since the birth of his 2 youngest children, he has truly come to realize that it is a life from conception so what was thought 13 years ago really isnt as relevant to what he truly believes now. AND, I repeat, he voted pro-life 100% of the time. That shows actions over words anyway.
He has said that with McCain-Feingold that it had unintended consequences and that things happened he didnt agree with. Mea Culpa.
And I LOVE the fact that we should be bothered by the fact that Deacon, a "reformed" Democrat likes Huckabee? The Deacon is admittedly called a liberal due to his "progressive" attitudes on issues other than abortion. Birds of a feather...
We all know that Thompson IS THE TRUE AND COMPLETE conservative. These are the same old tries at arguments that didnt stick before. It just seems that Fred struck a nerve and the Huckabots are running scared.
Let them run!
Uhh Of Topic? lol
Ok FredHeads!
You probably dont know me from Adam but this is an important message if we want Fred to win!
We need to email Mary Matlin (Head of Fred's campaign) or Fred himself and tell them they need to change strategy. All I have been hearing from the nay-sayers is they think Thompson is to sick to be President which obviously he isnt. And it's not true but he does need to hold more press Conferences and be out there in the public and more in the news and etc..
If we really want Fred to win we have to show him more support than ever at this point while he is visiting his mom in Tennessee, a special place for me because my mom was born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. I hope I spelled that correctly.
And all my mom's friends are voting for Fred.
But, he has to be out in the news more and have facetime wherever he can get it
All us FredHeads HAVE to unite to get Fred's message across. We have to be persistant.
At this point I think anything goes.
But us Thompson's Troops/FredHeads Have to unite for the common cause and good for America!!
Love, Marie
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