Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cabinet Maker

I'm going to take a page from my friend at his blog Nasty, Brutish, & Short and ask you all to fill in the blanks and make some predictions or preferences. Here are some of mine:

President: Fred Thompson
Vice President: Rob Portman-- new change
Secretary of State: Alan Keyes
Attorney General: Laura Ingraham
Secretary of Defense: Rudy Giuliani (hey, we can throw him a bone)
Treasury Secretary: Steve Forbes
Labor: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (hardcore sheriff from Arizona)
Health & Human Services: Dr. Jack Willke
Veterans' Affairs: Ollie North
Energy: Newt
Education: N/A, Department Abolished
Transportation: Bill Diffenderffer- CEO Skybus- check it out


Anonymous said...

Secretary of Transportation - Ted Kennedy

Secretary of Labor - Frankie Coleman

Attorney General - Congressman William Jefferson

Veterans' Affairs - Cindy Sheehan

Secretary of Education - Al Gore's house

Anonymous said...

Sherrif Joe should also be in charge at Gitmo!