Hello FredHeads!
We had a great meeting today. Tim, from Ohio4Fred wrote the e-mail below, which summarizes things very well. I just want to add to the information below a BIG thanks to Tim for kicking this in gear and doing a great job with the information packet we got at the meeting. At this point, what we all need to focus on is getting volunteers. You may recruit 100 people to say they will help with a campaign, but in reality only 2-3 will be very active volunteers, another 10 will do a few things, 50 may not do anything but get e-mails and vote and the rest may just put up a sign in their yard. All of which are very important, but as you can see you need to get many more people signed up than you REALLY need for a campaign-- so your assignment is to recruit people and have them sign up through the SWOhio4Fred site.
I encourage you to visit Tim's website which has lots of very helpful information about Fred and the issues. Use that as a resource.All my other thoughts are stated in Tim's e-mail below.
Thanks to all who came.
I just wanted to report back that the inaugural meeting of Ohio4Fred and SW Ohioans 4 Fred Thompson was a success. We had six members in attendance, which I thought was very good for a weekday afternoon on two days notice.
Everyone was very enthusiastic, and we had some very good discussion about
Fred, the issues, other candidates, and where we go from here. We seem to
have some very good people on board, and we began developing some good ideas for moving ahead.
I want to thank those that were able to find time to meet this afternoon, and apologize to those that could not make it because of the timing and short notice. We hope to schedule future meetings further in advance, and will schedule for the evening when possible.
I will be following this up later with some more detailed information on what we discussed, and we will also be requesting some specific actions from each of us. It is time to get to work.
I want to offer a special thanks to Christa of SE Ohioans 4 Fred. She brings much valuable campaign experience to our group, and will really help to make our efforts a success. Please take the time to visit her at http://swohio4fred.blogspot.com/, especially if you are in the SW corner of the State.
Fred Thompson in 2008!! Ohio, Ohio, Ohio!! Lets deliver Ohio to Fred!
Thanks to All,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Inaugural Meeting of the SWOhio Fred Heads
Hello, FredHeads!
Sorry for the short notice, but I would like to invite you to the inauguralmeeting of the SW Ohio FredHeads. Speculation is that Fred will beannouncing his candidacy some time in the next week, so it is important thatwe begin to plan for the next phase of the campaign.
This will be an informal meeting to make introductions with other FredThompson supporters in the area (including those at http://conservablogs.com/ohio4fred/) and to make preliminary organizational plansfor the Southwest Ohio region. Many of us have been communicating over the internet for some time, and it will be good to finally meet in person.
We will be meeting at:LaRosa’s Restaurant, Tri-County11711 Princeton RoadAcross from the Tri-County Mall
Thursday, June 2812:00 noon
I realize that this is very short notice, but I do hope that you are able toattend. If you know of any others that would be interested, please bringthem along. I understand if you can not make it on such short notice, andpromise that there will be other opportunities in the near future (with morenotice).
Please RSVP so that we know how many to expect.
Hope to see you on Thursday!
Sorry for the short notice, but I would like to invite you to the inauguralmeeting of the SW Ohio FredHeads. Speculation is that Fred will beannouncing his candidacy some time in the next week, so it is important thatwe begin to plan for the next phase of the campaign.
This will be an informal meeting to make introductions with other FredThompson supporters in the area (including those at http://conservablogs.com/ohio4fred/) and to make preliminary organizational plansfor the Southwest Ohio region. Many of us have been communicating over the internet for some time, and it will be good to finally meet in person.
We will be meeting at:LaRosa’s Restaurant, Tri-County11711 Princeton RoadAcross from the Tri-County Mall
Thursday, June 2812:00 noon
I realize that this is very short notice, but I do hope that you are able toattend. If you know of any others that would be interested, please bringthem along. I understand if you can not make it on such short notice, andpromise that there will be other opportunities in the near future (with morenotice).
Please RSVP so that we know how many to expect.
Hope to see you on Thursday!
Labels:fred thompson
fred thompson,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
His Ex's Love Him
How many of you can say the same? Although the rivals would love to have his ex's to attack him (like Bill did), it seems that, unlike most of us, his ex's still think he's wonderful! In the Sunday Times's quotes like “I couldn’t think of a bad word to say about Fred if somebody put a gun to my head." and “He’s handsome, he’s charming, he sounds like a president,” and this one "My children thought the world of Fred and my mother thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread”. You have ex-wives, past girlfriends, their kids and their mothers loving him--- AFTER the relationship. If he has the character to do that with an ex-girlfriend, imagine the diplomacy with a foreign leader!
Labels:fred thompson
fred thompson,
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Is Tuesday THE day?
Rumors are rampant that Tuesday will be the day that Fred makes the big announcement. WSMV in Nashville is reporting this. However, there seemes to be some kind of discrsepency in WHAT will be announced. Falls school will be the site of the National HQ-- but the Thompson staff say that is all that will be announced. We shall see.
Labels:fred thompson
fred thompson,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Good v. Evil (Fred v. Hillary)
Come 2008, we will feel like we are in Gotham City, in a battle of good v. evil.
The two people that are pulling ahead of the pack are Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton. People often claim that, when faced with two candidates, there isn't much of a choice. They say there really isn't a difference. Well, with these two, you couldn't have much more diametrically opposed people.
Fred is a straight shooter and a WYSIWYG kind of person. Hillary is a chameleon, that changes her color (or accent) depending on who is her audience. Pro-life v. pro-abortion. Tough against terrorists v. who knows, she keeps changing her position. Federalism v. Socialism. Conservative v. Liberal. Statesman v. hag (OK, that's my editorial comment- but hey, my blog).
The choice is clear. FRED THOMPSON 2008!
The two people that are pulling ahead of the pack are Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton. People often claim that, when faced with two candidates, there isn't much of a choice. They say there really isn't a difference. Well, with these two, you couldn't have much more diametrically opposed people.
Fred is a straight shooter and a WYSIWYG kind of person. Hillary is a chameleon, that changes her color (or accent) depending on who is her audience. Pro-life v. pro-abortion. Tough against terrorists v. who knows, she keeps changing her position. Federalism v. Socialism. Conservative v. Liberal. Statesman v. hag (OK, that's my editorial comment- but hey, my blog).
The choice is clear. FRED THOMPSON 2008!
Labels:fred thompson
fred thompson,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fred Thompson is on top!
According to the Rasmussen Poll of June 19, Fred Thompson jumped 4 points from last week to overtake Rudy as first place contender!
We're number 1! We're number 1!
With the decline of both Romney and McCain I suggest that as soon as Fred makes it official, they should officially drop out and put their support behind Fred.
Lets keep the momentum going.
We're number 1! We're number 1!
With the decline of both Romney and McCain I suggest that as soon as Fred makes it official, they should officially drop out and put their support behind Fred.
Lets keep the momentum going.
Labels:fred thompson
"fred thompson",
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Cabinet Maker
I'm going to take a page from my friend at his blog Nasty, Brutish, & Short and ask you all to fill in the blanks and make some predictions or preferences. Here are some of mine:
President: Fred Thompson
Vice President: Rob Portman-- new change
Secretary of State: Alan Keyes
Attorney General: Laura Ingraham
Secretary of Defense: Rudy Giuliani (hey, we can throw him a bone)
Treasury Secretary: Steve Forbes
Transportation: Bill Diffenderffer- CEO Skybus- check it out skybus.com
President: Fred Thompson
Vice President: Rob Portman-- new change
Secretary of State: Alan Keyes
Attorney General: Laura Ingraham
Secretary of Defense: Rudy Giuliani (hey, we can throw him a bone)
Treasury Secretary: Steve Forbes
Labor: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (hardcore sheriff from Arizona)
Health & Human Services: Dr. Jack Willke
Veterans' Affairs: Ollie North
Energy: Newt
Education: N/A, Department AbolishedTransportation: Bill Diffenderffer- CEO Skybus- check it out skybus.com
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Fred's Pro-Life Video Address!!
Fred Thompson addressed the National Right to Life Conference tonight via video sent to the Christian Broadcasting Network. It is dated today 6/14/07 and shows his wife and small children.
There has been criticism by those trying to discredit Fred on his stance on abortion. As a very vocal pro-life supporter, I looked into this as well, and frankly it is a litmus test for me with a candidate.
I always understood his federalist position on abortion, and agreed with giving it back to the states (since I believe it would be overturned in most cases). I also looked at his ACTIONS as voting 100% pro-life and if Right to Life feels comfortable endorsing him, that is good enough for me.
I was also happy to hear his support of ADULT but not EMBRYONIC stem cell research.
I like him more and more every time I see him.
There has been criticism by those trying to discredit Fred on his stance on abortion. As a very vocal pro-life supporter, I looked into this as well, and frankly it is a litmus test for me with a candidate.
I always understood his federalist position on abortion, and agreed with giving it back to the states (since I believe it would be overturned in most cases). I also looked at his ACTIONS as voting 100% pro-life and if Right to Life feels comfortable endorsing him, that is good enough for me.
I was also happy to hear his support of ADULT but not EMBRYONIC stem cell research.
I like him more and more every time I see him.
Fred Thompson Statesman
I came across a YouTube video on Fred Thompson FL GOP 1998 National Statesman. It features some of the highlights of his career. Worth the watch. Kind of a promo-video.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fred Thompson TIED with Rudy!
This weeks Rasmussen poll has Fred and Rudy in a dead heat! Not that SWOhio4Fred is at all surprised. Rudy was feeling the pressure last week when Fred slid past Romney in last weeks poll. And thats not all! The Times/Bloomberg Poll has him just behind Guiliani's 27% to Thompson's 21%. For someone not even "officially" in the race, that is pretty darn good.
Keep the momentum going by telling all your friends and neighbors to become Fred Heads!
Keep the momentum going by telling all your friends and neighbors to become Fred Heads!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Is Fred Thompson getting B%&@ slapped by George Will?
Ramesh Ponnuru from the National Review comments on a George Will article in Newsweek. Will compares Fred Thompson to excitement over tulips as THE hot item in the 1630s in Holland, which then crashed and burned with people wondering what all they hype was.
I think Will may have just fallen off the turnip truck (or in this case tulip truck). He seems to have something against Fred Thompson, but his arguments, to me, seem weak. He feels he has to start his attack by saying
"One does not want to be unfair to Thompson, who may have hidden depths. But ask yourself this: If he did not look like a basset hound who had just read a sad story—say, "Old Yeller"—and if he did not talk like central casting's idea of the god Sincerity, would anyone think he ought to be entrusted with the nation's nuclear arsenal?"
The fact that he had to resort to an attack on Thompson's appearance right away, shows the lack of depth of his arguments. If one would like to stoop, one could point out the shrill cackle of a candidate's voice from the left side of the aisle, but I won't stoop to do that as there are many more substantive points to make against THAT person.
And besides, I happen to like basset hounds.
I think Will may have just fallen off the turnip truck (or in this case tulip truck). He seems to have something against Fred Thompson, but his arguments, to me, seem weak. He feels he has to start his attack by saying
"One does not want to be unfair to Thompson, who may have hidden depths. But ask yourself this: If he did not look like a basset hound who had just read a sad story—say, "Old Yeller"—and if he did not talk like central casting's idea of the god Sincerity, would anyone think he ought to be entrusted with the nation's nuclear arsenal?"
The fact that he had to resort to an attack on Thompson's appearance right away, shows the lack of depth of his arguments. If one would like to stoop, one could point out the shrill cackle of a candidate's voice from the left side of the aisle, but I won't stoop to do that as there are many more substantive points to make against THAT person.
And besides, I happen to like basset hounds.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Fred Thompson...Start Your Engines!
The sound you hear is the Thompson engine revving up and passing up most of the current Republican contenders for President. Stephen F. Hayes in his 6/18/07 The Weekly Standard article "Zero to 60" talks about how when several people who knew him realized the void in the current slate, all thought of HIM to lead the country as a "conservative's conservative". His numbers in the straw polls seem to show that many good conservative Americans want and need him to run.
We hear the negatives about how he can't raise enough money in a short time, he needs to raise a lot of money to do well.
Well, WE are all talking about him and unlike his fellow candidates, (as Fred pointed out) he "hasn't spent a dime yet".
We hear the negatives about how he can't raise enough money in a short time, he needs to raise a lot of money to do well.
Well, WE are all talking about him and unlike his fellow candidates, (as Fred pointed out) he "hasn't spent a dime yet".
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Fred Thompson on H&C
See Fred's interview on Hannity & Colmes tonight.
Labels:fred thompson
fred thompson,
Hey all you Fred Heads!
Fred Thompson revealed the official website of Friends of Fred tonight on Hannity & Colmes.
To contribute to his campaign, you can click on this link.
Lets give Fred all our support. To volunteer on a local level you can still click the "Become a Fred Head" link to the right. We are building a local database for events.
Go Fred!
UPDATE: Fred Thompson raised over $220,000 from his website in the first 18 hours of its launch!
Fred Thompson revealed the official website of Friends of Fred tonight on Hannity & Colmes.
To contribute to his campaign, you can click on this link.
Lets give Fred all our support. To volunteer on a local level you can still click the "Become a Fred Head" link to the right. We are building a local database for events.
Go Fred!
UPDATE: Fred Thompson raised over $220,000 from his website in the first 18 hours of its launch!
Google Search: "Fred Thompson"
Fred Thompson blog Googles have jumped drastically in the past week, according to campaign blogger Dillard Mush. Since Fred announced his pre-campaign kick-off last week, people have been flocking to the blogs to talk about and find out more about Fred Thompson.
Yours truly has been surfing the blog world and having some nice e-mail chats with other bloggers (who happened to find me).
With the Internet being such a great tool in this election (even more so than for the 2004 race) this is a good way for Fred Heads to get Web Heads on board for President Thompson!
Have you been doing your research?
Yours truly has been surfing the blog world and having some nice e-mail chats with other bloggers (who happened to find me).
With the Internet being such a great tool in this election (even more so than for the 2004 race) this is a good way for Fred Heads to get Web Heads on board for President Thompson!
Have you been doing your research?
Monday, June 4, 2007
Show Me the Money
In the Wall Street Journal today, Christopher Cooper discusses Fred Thompson's ability to raise money this late in the game. He mentioned that many big money fund-raisers have already [sold their souls] to other candidates and that many people have already committed their money elsewhere.
But there was hope in that states like Ohio have yet to come close to what "W" raised here. Which makes it even more important for us to spread the word and recruit Fred Heads to show him the money!
Can he win the money war?
But there was hope in that states like Ohio have yet to come close to what "W" raised here. Which makes it even more important for us to spread the word and recruit Fred Heads to show him the money!
Can he win the money war?
Friday, June 1, 2007
Cato weighs in on Fred
The Cato Institute is chiming in on Fred Thompson's position on fiscal conservatism and federalism.
I am so excited to have a true federalist in the race. I am a huge supporter of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. The 10th Amendment clearly states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
It seems pretty clear to me and I can't figure out how our Legislative Branch gets away with so much. We have overstepped our bounds so far now that we can no longer see the line.
Lets hope that Fred wins in '08. If the likes of Hillary, Obama, Edwards or Richardson win, I am afraid we will not only step farther out of bounds, we may just fall off the edge.
I am so excited to have a true federalist in the race. I am a huge supporter of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. The 10th Amendment clearly states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
It seems pretty clear to me and I can't figure out how our Legislative Branch gets away with so much. We have overstepped our bounds so far now that we can no longer see the line.
Lets hope that Fred wins in '08. If the likes of Hillary, Obama, Edwards or Richardson win, I am afraid we will not only step farther out of bounds, we may just fall off the edge.
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