Saturday, September 29, 2007


The Thompson Campaign is looking for elected officials to fill out an official form of endorsement. Here is your opportunity to be a part of the Fred '08 family.

If you are an elected official (from Precinct Executive to Congressman or Senator). All are welcome to join the family. Contact your local officials and ask them to be a part of this. We want to have as many people as possible from SW Ohio on that endorsement list.

We are also looking for community or leaders of organizations to sign on as well. Consider putting your name behind the next President of the United States!

Please contact me ASAP for the form. We need these back as soon as possible. E-mail me at and join the team!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fred on Iran

This past week, as I am sure you all know, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to New York to both speak at the UN and to the liberal loonies at Columbia.

Most good Americans were upset about this, but there were some comments by Fred on this issue that reaffirmed my faith that Fred is the right one for our country. His comments and points are directly in line with mine (and I am sure most of the good people on the right side of the political spectrum.)

His comments on the World Bank's Aid to Iran can be found at the All American Patriots website. Though his comments go beyond this, he sums it up by stating:

"Time is long overdue for the U.S. and its G-8 partners to end all World Bank funding to Iran until it abides by UN directives, lives up to its international obligations, and stops all of its illicit activities in the region."

He also commented on the appearance of the Iranian evil dictator with this statement.

"Columbia University gave a public forum today to a tyrant to spread his lies and deceit."
"...I find it ironic that Iran's president accepted an invitation to speak at Columbia University, since students who dissent on Iranian campuses are not met with debate, they are met by a gun and imprisonment. "

But my favorite comment was in the Dallas News. He said:
"I would deny this character a visa. What's he going to do, visit there to get pointers for his own activities? I wouldn't let him in the country."

Friday, September 7, 2007

Update on Fred Head 9/6/08 Luncheon

Hi Fellow Fred Heads!

I wanted to give you all an update on our Fred Head Luncheon we had yesterday at Frisch's. It was great to see so many enthusiastic people in support of Fred Thompson and great that we could all finally say that he is in the race.

We discussed the reasons we all support Fred and some common threads 1. We agree with him on 99% of his issues-- except that evil McCain-Feingold thing.-- I hope he has a mea culpa on that one.
2. He is for less federal government and has been to his core consistently
3. He is a conservative that the base can get behind
4. He has a real chance of winning this thing
5. He seems like a genuine person
6. He seems to be the closest thing to Ronald Reagan that we have seen for a long while.
7. and more.

As we did the introductions, we noticed that we come from different backgrounds and past political involvement (from never having participated before, to being very involved in political campaigns) and we all have different talents & skills that are valuable. It was great to see some newcomers to the political arena understand the dire importance of this election in our country's history.

We also discussed the importance of getting a large volunteer database together because the more people, the lighter the load. When people sign up to volunteer, some will only want to put a sign in their yard, which is great. Others will take a leadership role in their community to get volunteers. All are important.

On that note, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to recruit at least 5 people to sign up on this website to Be A Fred Head.

You can also send them to to get even more information and connections with Tim with the Ohio 4 Fred site. If you havent done so already, please sign up on both. Each of us, though we coordinate efforts, may have our own opportunities.

Last thing I will bring up now is, if you would like to make a monetary contribution to Fred, I have a link on this website to donate. The reason that is important is that it is tracked from this site and it will give SW Ohio credit as a place that Fred should come-- the more support we give him the better. '

I hope this sums it up pretty well. I heard from a lot of you that were not able to make the meeting, but we will be having more in the future. Feel free to host your own party as well with family and friends or you too can open it up to SWOhio Fred Heads. It is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and get fired up.

Also, visit the Official Fred 08 Website for more good information on Fred.



Thursday, September 6, 2007


The day we have all been waiting for is finally here! Tonight on Jay Leno (as well as the podcast), Fred Thompson has officially announced his candidacy.

I for one am thrilled that it is finally here and we can move forward in full mode.

It is a great day for Americans and for us in SWOhio.

If you did not see the announcement on the website, please do so.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hi all Fred Heads!

The time we have been waiting for is HERE!

Fred is making his big announcement Thursday, Sept 7 and in celebration of that we are having a party.

We are calling all SWOHIO Fred Heads to meet for lunch at Noon, Thursday, Sept 7 at the Frisch's at 8008 Reading Rd, 45237 (just off Ronald Reagan and I-75).

I tried to pick a location that would be easily accessed from all directions. RSVP is REQUIRED so I know how many to expect.

If you would like to plan your own event, visit the to set up your own house party.

I hope to see you on Thursday.
